MBA - International Business Management

Qualification: Master's Degree in Business Administration (90 credits)
Study places: 20
Campus: Kokkola-Pietarsaari Campus, Kokkola
Additional application period: 9.-19.6.2014(closing time 3 pm (3GMT))
Entrance Exam: Entrance examination will only be arranged in Finland Centria University of Applied Sciences offers a Master programme in International Business Management in cooperation with Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
The programme aims to provide training for specialist and management tasks in businesses that operate internationally. The Master’s degree is implemented on a two-year time scale.

The second-cycle (Master’s) degree taken at a university of applied sciences is a second-cycle degree in the European higher education system and gives the same qualification for municipal and state office as a Master’s degree taken at a university.

Who is the Degree Programme for?

You are eligible if you have a higher education degree completed in Finland or a higher education degree in the field of study completed outside Finland. You also need to have at least three years of work experience in business and administration and a command of English required for the studies.

What Are the Objectives of the Programme?

The programme aims to increase professional knowledge of international business. Having completed the programme, the student has grown into a business management professional capable of independent decision-making, working with management or demanding expert tasks in businesses that operate in the international market or are planning to go international.

How are the Studies Organized?

Multimodal learning methods are used. Each course includes two two-day contact sessions on an average. The emphasis of learning is on independent work as well as solving distant learning assignments and studying online. The development project is an essential part of the studies.

Content of the Studies

The first-year studies focus on the management and development of SMEs in the international operating environment. In the second year students specialize either in management (courses arranged in Kokkola) or international marketing (courses arranged in Seinäjoki). The final thesis consists of a development project conducted for a business or other organization. The attachment on the right shows the structure of studies.

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